Wednesday, 21 June 2017

F and F

Fortune and fortuity can either be a blessing or a destruction. It all depends on how we receive them. Accidental occurance of events that happen can change the direction of our life but it's the steering that makes the difference. Like the surfer who glides through the tides and maneuvers his way through the waves, our positivity and efforts can override the negative fortuitous hurdles.. Fortune helps only when there's positive concious that can identify it's worth.. Luck happens when work happens..

Hustle through the hurdle,
it aint a riddle or a random doddle,
Success isn't a fortuity,
If it is, the soul will surely be guilty,
Let the multitude call it work,
Not a stroke of luck.

#positivity #peace #work #itsPossible



Thursday, 15 June 2017

The Human-Kind

We are called the humankind. The organism that breathe, walk and talk. And yes, making a mark on this oxygen container called earth. But is the leader of the food chain doing justice by being human and kind. Most of the times the race has proved to be not human and not a bit kind. Perhaps it's time to rewind, unwind and remind the lost grace of humankind. The time where positivity chimes in every breath, where life is lived than compromised and the innate nature of goodness overpowers the negative. Light doesn't fight to kill the dark, it's mere presence is sufficient enough.

Dream -> Vision ->  envision -> action ->  revision
