Life is not always tough. The notion of difficulty in it is frm the assumptions we make. Its not our fault to be expectant abt things, but this very habit is the root of our misery. Accepting the things the way it is wat all the elders and experienced ones tell. But change is the correct way of approach. Many may shout foul at my thought, but thats how it is..
Disappointment is become so usual that we hav grown immune to it.. Opportunity and chances doesn't knw the door always. The way we react to the vocational call plays the vital role.. Accidental nonchalance may lead to a plummeting abyss.. But holding our initial inhibitions and acting towards the goal and seeing a better world in our small world is wat life asks us for.
I may sound a litt boring. But thats wat it is. .
Patience, silence, acceptance and deliverance frm despair is the key to successful life.