Baby!! heavens fall apart,
Your sneeze and noisy fart.
Yet yours is my heart,
My cute little shopping cart.
My eyes sees clear no more,
Shaky walks we take at the shore,
Its greedy to ask more,
I need that jewel in the store.
Silence speaks enough for us,
In quietness is our talks,
Giggles and wine near the fire,
Will never make me old and retire.
Its not easy to say gud bye,
Honey!! Your greys need dye.
Well, in a few days I'll die,
My well being is a lie.
I'm eating myself now,
Cancer they say,I dont knw how,
Dont make urself a ugly cow,
Remember our life together was wow.
Tears a little plz shed,
When I rest peace in my bed,
Both our bloods are red,
In all my life,be my beloved..
Love is always new.. Age doesn't fade its shine. .