HIV is not something we are unbeknown. . Its a disease that spreads through blood transfusion.. the things we aren't aware are the struggles that the patients go through. I dont hav a soft corner for the ones with deviant sexual desires. they are totally deserved to be punished. My concern is of the little children who are affected by this anathema with no mistake of theirs.. As a universal fact HIV has no sane cure. And these young ones suffer as if they are paying their debt of the past life.
The preventive measures are incessantly evangelised.. But many fail to listen.. Inappropriate sexual practices, Unclean, non sterelized tools and the errors in the blood transfusion give birth to this fiendish anathema. ..
Its time to bring the awareness among the populace abt the cause and prevention. The cure is not too far, but prevention will keep the journey Alive.
Concern citizen.