Friday, 18 July 2014

Rise against the wrong

First of all, its saddening. The barbaric acts against the female clan.  I don't call it the oppression against women coz even the infants are not left unhurt. As the old mockery of the grps goes, stating that women are the cause and epicentre for the crime against them.. Seriously speaking.. wat did an infant do.. I don't understand the reason these inhuman creatures get a hardon.!!! Will the all tym women blamers point fingers at the way the women dress or the way she walks or presents herself to the society?
When the immaculately innocent ones are attacked, I'm seriously in search of a word that more than defines his pervertism.

Women is not a commodity of pleasure. To be frank enough, perhaps its oly humans who hav sex besides the reproductive needs.  And the way the act of sex is treated tells it all. Proper education is needed so that people become more sensible of the issue. And no matter wat, one shud remember that women are to be respected,loved,admired..
Not to be sold as dead meat. They too hav a heart that aches and a soul that seeks love.

Sex is a divine act where too souls communicate..
Its the nakedness of mind,body and soul.
Its an act of giving oneself with ease,not by force. Rape is not at all sex. Its the deformed demon thats just hungry for flesh.

For all perverts out there. . STFU and be man enuf. Coz men dont rape

Now its a call for the government to act. Make the punishment severe. 
I wish the rapist's member be burnt in sulfur.

Rise against the wrong!!


Sunday, 13 July 2014

A Perfect Bake

Life is not as easy as its spelled. Though it weighs only 4 letters, it's more heavier than any sane known measure. The facets that it unfolds are intriguing and interesting.

We all have blown the candles and cut cakes for our birthday. For a change, now lets bake the cake called LIFE and understand its ingredients one by one.

Baking is an art thats difficult to perfect. We are all cognizant of the fact that the central dogma of baking is following the recipe without a single gram of error.
 "Life is perfect blend when there is equipoise of everything" 

Now, the ingredients neededare Eggs, sugar, butter,flour and an oven.
First up, crack the Eggs and put them in a bowl.
"All are soft and liquid by heart ,but the hard shell called Ego makes our goodness inaccessible."

Whisk the eggs nicely and add Sugar
"Positivity is the sweetest facet ever"

Add the desired flavor to the egg and sugar mixture
"Talent is an asset of the righteous"

Now mix the flour and the egg mix together. Make sure that there are no lumps formed.
"A good attidude and an understanding soul can blend into any crisis and solve it"

Now add the baking powder
"Never forget the ones who help you rise(Friends and beloved ones) "

Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake in the oven until its cooked
"The heat and furnace is what make us stronger and tougher contestants in the game show of life"

Take it out from the oven and serve fresh.

A perfect bake needs eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and an oven
A perfect bake called LIFE needs A Good heart, Positivity,Great attitude,Friends and beloved ones And finally some challenges.

Apart from all these ingredients the most important ingredient than them all is LOVE. It oomphs the beauty and makes the taste linger for a longer longer time..

" Love, coz its redeeming"