Monday, 22 December 2014

In all my life,be my beloved

Baby!! heavens fall apart,
Your sneeze and noisy fart.
Yet yours is my heart,
My cute little shopping cart.

My eyes sees clear no more,
Shaky walks we take at the shore,
Its greedy to ask more,
I need that jewel in the store.

Silence speaks enough for us,
In quietness is our talks,
Giggles and wine near the fire,
Will never make me old and retire.

Its not easy to say gud bye,
Honey!! Your greys need  dye.
Well, in a few days I'll die,
My well being is a lie.

I'm eating myself now,
Cancer they say,I dont knw how,
Dont make urself a ugly cow,
Remember our life together was wow.

Tears a little plz shed,
When I rest peace in my bed,
Both our bloods are red,
In all my life,be my beloved..


Love is always new.. Age doesn't fade its shine. .

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Lets go for a walk..

"There was nothing wrong with the weather. It was too romantic for the both of us. The breeze, the sun that accentuated the winter evening, the lights and the avenue, everything right in place. I wish we ordered another glass of champagne. It was like sparkles that tickled gently. Perhaps I'm one among the lucky lot to have such an awesome and horrific first date. Shepherd, My valentine, never bid adieu please" said Merlin.

She said all this to her dying boyfriend. Yes, it was their first date and their last. It's not something everybody goes through. It was not a street accident Bollywood style, not the tragic cancer patient story, its the story of a broken soul.

The room was silent, echoing her voice. All the romantic words reached no ears except hers. There was nobody. Yet Merlin continued, talked all day of the date. Cherished each moment of it, lived it in recurrence. The memory crisp, the feeling genuine. The wound fresh and pain inextricable.But none of it crept into reality. Hysterical, hallucinatory and helpless.

Merlin is a schizophrenic. The date happened only in his visions. She experienced auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations. Though she was a schizophrenic the love was real, her feeling for the one who existed only in her imagination was exuberantly legit. The people around were often annoyed. Even the empathetic ones got bored. And the doctors silenced her with the dose of dope. But Merlin had all hope in the universe. 

The sedation was just a short term fix, it didn't stop the hallucinations from happening. "Doctor is this the dream drug ? I get to see Shepherd when I take it ?". Every night the doctors tricked her in taking the dope to make her get through the night.

The doctors had left for Christmas leaving the nurses incharge. The doctor on-call was fast asleep. While the nurses were too busy watching tv shows, thoughts of Shepherd was killing Merlin. The hysteric date, his words and his death, everything overwhelmed her. She started hearing his voices. But she wanted to see him, touch him ("Mer ,  Lets go for a walk.")
"I'm coming Shepherd, just a sec" said Merlin and never returned.

Saturday, 13 December 2014


Like meat they are sold,
By the hearts that's cold.
They dress-up and act bold,
Their sad stories are never told.

They change their name,
Now they feel no shame,
Money, drugs and fame,
Is all the blame..

Teacher, doctor, nun
The trend and cold pun,
Satisfying in all roles,
The carnal evils captured as cameras roll,
They satify the beasty lust,
Coz they're morals are gone and lost.

they are called sluts and whores,
Who undress and has nothing to wear,
Their sad stories are never told,
In the websites that show them bold.

The ones who watch porn,
Are obviously soul torn.
Graphic visual that video plays,
It never captures their weak soul's cries.

But the real concern I see in none
They're busy watching many on one.
All in the name of fun,
Behind carnal pleasure they run.


Sunday, 30 November 2014

Fiendish Anathema. ..

HIV is not something we are unbeknown. . Its a disease that spreads through blood transfusion.. the things we aren't aware are the struggles that the patients go through. I dont hav a soft corner for the ones with deviant sexual desires. they are totally deserved to be punished. My concern is of the little children who are affected by this anathema with no mistake of theirs.. As a universal fact HIV has no sane cure. And these young ones suffer as if they are paying their debt of the past life.

The preventive measures are incessantly evangelised.. But many fail to listen.. Inappropriate sexual practices, Unclean, non sterelized tools and the errors in the blood transfusion give birth to this fiendish anathema. ..

Its time to bring the awareness among the populace abt the cause and prevention. The cure is not too far, but prevention will keep the journey Alive.

Concern citizen.


Monday, 6 October 2014

Magical delight.

The intimacy of the dark clouds,
With signals strong and loud.
This fantasy is always told,
The story of the thunder bolt.

The fruit of the romance,
Is the reason to dance.
We don't stand a chance,
Without its glance.

The magnitude of delight,
Is no less than daylight.
The glow of the droplet,
Is more brighter than scarlet.

People call it 'Rain',
The ally of the plough.
Its heavenly pour,
Oomphs the earth's allure.


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Sorry!! You're not my type

Thought u were my oasis,
In my deepest crisis.
But u are just a mirage,
A disguised sabotage.

Our Love was so divine,
I thought u were mine.
Now u made me realise,
That my decision wasn't wise.

Didn't you feel a remote sorry,
To burden my soul with memory.
The time that we spent..
The dreams that we dreamt.

I will not cry and weep,
For the fiendishly cheap.
Sorry, you're not my type,
Get lost for good!!! creep.


Thursday, 25 September 2014

My Valentine

A soul like you is rare,
You're as radiant as the solar flare. 
Thy spirit the most pure,
In you I seek my cure,
Thy grace;bright and shine,
Thy compassion is divine.
Thou art my valentine.
The Goddess of my shrine, (heart)
Sun borrows thy radiance,
The moon mimics thy countenance.
Thy ever gentle glance,
Takes me to a blissful trance.  
Blink!; thy lashes kiss,
Blessed moments I'll never miss.
The glow is so iwis,
The splendor of thy iris
Tell me beloved,
That we'll live forever
Joy our cloud,Love our shower.
Oh my love!,
Thy heart, my epicenter,
Is it vacant? Can I make it my shelter.?


Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Sharon wanted to talk.. Open her heart out and cry.. The society is like the stage. We shiver to make mistakes.. The oly thing we think abt is to get applause frm the audience. But She failed to understand the hall was not full. The audience aren't there. The drama called life is always a hit and never a failure. Albeit Her beloved was seated ryt next her, she felt lonely. David embraced her, to make her feel better. He refrained from asking her the reason of sorrow. Memory is heavy. David's heart was equally heavy. He wanted many things to be made clear.  But gravity pulled all his words to his gut. Sharon tried to get up. David helped her in the endeavour. Her sorrow wasnt down at all..  David hugged her tight, giving no room for air. Sharon cried on his shoulders. He was her mental support. He wiped her tears and filled her with the words that language cant express.. He  communicated not to her ears but to her lovingly tender lips. Yes!! They kissed each other. All the things unspoken was now spoken. All their suppressed pathos melted.. It was not lust that heated them up, it was the warmth of love that shone like pole star. Sharon planted a gentle peck on his cheeks and left. Her heart wasn't light.. but it wasn't as heavy as before. Their kiss had cathartic effect on both them. The communication of the soul through physical realm is rare.. david and Sharon now manifested it. Their souls knw their love better. The lamp was lit. Nothing can extinguish it now.

"The instance wasnt just a physical union. It was more than wat the human realm treats it as."

(Yet another pointless scribble of mine.. hope you liked it.. )


Sunday, 24 August 2014

More complex than all complexities

Thy eyes hav an assuaging facet...Its not the first tym that I've experienced the rejuvenation flowing frm ur eyes to my soul. The sense of catharsis my spirit and soul undergoes is a mirale.. The reason for all this lies in you oh beloved..

Don't take ur eyes off me.. Coz in ur eyes I see myself. In ur very eyes I see us. And peace thats gonna rule us.  

The bond between us is inextricable beloved. There's no sanehood catastrophe that's gonna shatter us down. The tremors of the earth can only shake us, the tides can make us drown, the winds can make us dusty.. but nothing can stop us frm Sharing the most divine feeling thats best spelt with a four lettrr word.. Its called LOVE. Its so Lucid to spell but its feel is not.. More complex than all  complexities. Its far more greater than our baby galaxy..
"Nothing can thwart thy endeavour when thy shield is made of LOVE."

"Stars are there to shine,
The moon exist to wax and wane.
The hearts of yours and mine,
Will cherish the most divine"

(Inspired by Nicolas spark's classic novel "Message in a bottle")

Friday, 18 July 2014

Rise against the wrong

First of all, its saddening. The barbaric acts against the female clan.  I don't call it the oppression against women coz even the infants are not left unhurt. As the old mockery of the grps goes, stating that women are the cause and epicentre for the crime against them.. Seriously speaking.. wat did an infant do.. I don't understand the reason these inhuman creatures get a hardon.!!! Will the all tym women blamers point fingers at the way the women dress or the way she walks or presents herself to the society?
When the immaculately innocent ones are attacked, I'm seriously in search of a word that more than defines his pervertism.

Women is not a commodity of pleasure. To be frank enough, perhaps its oly humans who hav sex besides the reproductive needs.  And the way the act of sex is treated tells it all. Proper education is needed so that people become more sensible of the issue. And no matter wat, one shud remember that women are to be respected,loved,admired..
Not to be sold as dead meat. They too hav a heart that aches and a soul that seeks love.

Sex is a divine act where too souls communicate..
Its the nakedness of mind,body and soul.
Its an act of giving oneself with ease,not by force. Rape is not at all sex. Its the deformed demon thats just hungry for flesh.

For all perverts out there. . STFU and be man enuf. Coz men dont rape

Now its a call for the government to act. Make the punishment severe. 
I wish the rapist's member be burnt in sulfur.

Rise against the wrong!!


Sunday, 13 July 2014

A Perfect Bake

Life is not as easy as its spelled. Though it weighs only 4 letters, it's more heavier than any sane known measure. The facets that it unfolds are intriguing and interesting.

We all have blown the candles and cut cakes for our birthday. For a change, now lets bake the cake called LIFE and understand its ingredients one by one.

Baking is an art thats difficult to perfect. We are all cognizant of the fact that the central dogma of baking is following the recipe without a single gram of error.
 "Life is perfect blend when there is equipoise of everything" 

Now, the ingredients neededare Eggs, sugar, butter,flour and an oven.
First up, crack the Eggs and put them in a bowl.
"All are soft and liquid by heart ,but the hard shell called Ego makes our goodness inaccessible."

Whisk the eggs nicely and add Sugar
"Positivity is the sweetest facet ever"

Add the desired flavor to the egg and sugar mixture
"Talent is an asset of the righteous"

Now mix the flour and the egg mix together. Make sure that there are no lumps formed.
"A good attidude and an understanding soul can blend into any crisis and solve it"

Now add the baking powder
"Never forget the ones who help you rise(Friends and beloved ones) "

Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake in the oven until its cooked
"The heat and furnace is what make us stronger and tougher contestants in the game show of life"

Take it out from the oven and serve fresh.

A perfect bake needs eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and an oven
A perfect bake called LIFE needs A Good heart, Positivity,Great attitude,Friends and beloved ones And finally some challenges.

Apart from all these ingredients the most important ingredient than them all is LOVE. It oomphs the beauty and makes the taste linger for a longer longer time..

" Love, coz its redeeming" 

Monday, 23 June 2014

Everything'll be alright

Hurting thee is my deepest fear
With agony I weigh thy tear.
Apology is wat I ask, 
The anchor of our ark.

Love is what it meant to be,
Life turned us busy as the bee.
Miss our hand locked walks,
Our silly random talks.    

Memory is hard to bear,
Specially when you refuse to share. 
My heart wails oh beloved,
Is pain an obvious reward ??
Its time  we stop our fight,  
I know we cant take more plight.       
None can be always right, 
But beloved!!Everything'll be alright.


Tuesday, 17 June 2014


There's always something that we fail to realise. In fast- forward sequence of instances we forget that we hav a life to live. We Breath just to fill the air sacks.
" Lets Live life more lively"

"A Spark can start the fire.
Laughter can make pain retire."
So laugh when time tickles.

Love! !.. coz its above all universe.
Nothing can replace Love..

Live.. Laugh..Love

Monday, 12 May 2014

F AND F.. (Friends and forgiveness)

It' s hard to explain people what they've done in the past. The task becomes even more difficult when the people are ur frnds. All friends are not our best buddies, all our besties are not saints.
Mistakes are a part of our survival. But we often refuse to embrace the life tool called forgiveness. Rancor is our first reaction to mistakes. The stupor of anger blinds us of the relationship we share. For silly shortcomings that can be easily forgiven , the mega large self pride called ego stops us from forgiving.

Pride and self-esteem are definitely necessary.  Being totally shameless will make us laughing stocks. But the mega size pride is a syndrome. The three letter word is no less than HIV.
Just like the human immuno virus that snatch our immunity, EGO as its called dries up our good virtues that make us human. The antidote for this syndrome is available, but the infected  are too egoistic to avail the cure.

Coming back to our talk on friends and forgiveness.. "To err is man,to forgive is divine" going by this old adage we must try to understand that mistakes can be avoided but cant be eradicated.
" Anger is mortal, but camaraderie is eternal ".. 
So embrace comradeship with a gentle kiss.  :)


Thursday, 13 February 2014

My twin soul.♥♡

I envy the ocean's calm,
Thy eyes make me warm.
Romance of my breath and thy breeze,
Is sure to make time freeze.

Newton was wrong,
For gravity I'm bound no long.
In thy ever gentle hold,
I see facets of love unfold.

I seek light in thy shadow,
To bleach my visual window.
In darkness and cold,
You are my luminous cloud.

Thou art my twin soul,
My beloved in joy and peril.
Now i understand,
Love is my only stand♡


Friday, 24 January 2014

Omnipresent.... Omnipotent

We often dont realise the oly omnipresent,  omnipotent truth. Perhaps my statement sounds ridiculous; but thats what truth sound at first. 

HUNGER is the omnipresent,  omnipotent entity. Coz all we humans are born with a belly that needs constant attention.

Food is necessary to keep a human alive; Well...most of the human populace dont hav the pleasure of eating all meals a day.

People are stirred when an old man fasts for his demands to be fulfilled. But there are already ppl who are fasting just because they dont hav anything to eat.....

As said earlier, nothing remains constant except HUNGER and THIRST...


Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Comradeship. :)

Dont knw why.. But this thought is incessantly striking me.. "Is friendship greater than the universe? ?"

I tried finding the answer through books, scriptures etc. I even tried the most read book "Facebook".. but It restricted my feeling towards friends with just two buttons 'like' and 'comment'..

Whilst we hail friendship so much, a three letter word devastates everything. 'EGO' as we call in sanehood terms becomes the ultimatum and friendship seeks its exit..

"EGO and camaraderie cannot co- exist.When ego dies, comradeship blossoms."

The poem below shares the grief of the lose.

"By tears I cleanse my face,
I lost my precious space.
I knew not the grace,
But now I realise the lose"